viernes, 1 de abril de 2011



Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects
the control of sleep and wakefulness; it is characterized by sudden sleep
attacks. Usually it begins from 15 and 25. According to medicine net estimates
that approximately 125,000 to 200,000 Americans suffer from narcolepsy, but
only fewer than 50,000 are properly diagnosed. People think that Narcolepsy is genetically.
Narcolepsy symptoms are: excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hypnagogic
hallucinations, sleep paralysis, disturbed nocturnal sleep, automatic behavior
and other complaints as blurred vision, double vision, or droopy eyelids.
Scientists have been researching about what causes narcolepsy and they came to
a conclusion that a cause of narcolepsy is the abnormality of a cell which are
located in the brain. The treatment that a patient is required to have when he
or she have narcolepsy is drugs and behavioral therapies. They are actually
individual treatments depending on the person that has it. In psychology I saw
a video where a man suffered from narcolepsy, this man slept in whatever place
he was, even if he was walking in the streets he would just shut down a sleep. When
he was washing the plates he literally falls asleep. He had to use a helmet so
that way he wouldn’t receive any injuries in his head.


domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011


Scientists describe dreaming as a way to organize our thoughts.Well this has been a really research topic for scientist for a extent period of time. They exist five stages of sleep. 1) The first stage is the beginning of the sleep cycle it is to considered as the transition period between weakfulness and sleep. this stage lasts approximately 5-10 minutes. 2) In stage two the brain begins to produce bursts of rapid
 rythmic brain activity. Our body temperature starts to decrease and heart rate slows. This stage it is for approximately 20 minutes. 3) In this stage is known as the transitional period between light and very deep sleep. 4) In this stage it is reffered as delta sleep because of its slow brain waves. Stage 4 is a deep sleep that lasts or 30 minutes approximately. Finally stage 5 most dreaming occurs in stage 5 it is know as the rapid eye movement REM, it increases respiration rate and brain activity. REM sleep is also known as paradoxical sleep because when braind systems become more active muscles get relaxed. Dreaming mostly occurs due because of increased brain activity. To enter to these stage its a long process because after stage 4, stage 3 and stage 2 are repeated before entering REM sleep.

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Accidental Genius

Some kids, adults, teens become accidental genius, well you can be genius by birth or by making you genius but now you can be a genius by accident. This video showed us that there was this guy that by sudden you tell him the hour and he tells you the exact day. Some scientist made this guy an MRI and they notice that this guy used parts of our brain that a normal person didn´t actually used. So genius people used parts of our brain to be genius that’s awesome. In the other hand there was this guy that was not interested in painting but he had accident that made him a genius painting. His wife left him because he painted whatever he had in front he had an obsession with painting. Now he is living alone and painted whatever he can, he just goes for it.  So now we know that Genius maybe born, make or even by accident.

Make Me a Genius

Well in order to achieve something you should put your mind into it and want to do it. As the video showed us that genius is not born with you earn it, in order to be a genius in something you should want to do it, practice it and you would achieve it. There’s this case about this girl that her father since little showed her how to play chess and by practicing and wanting to do it she achieved and she is the greatest player in chess she has beaten many men and she was asked to practice or to make some test and she did well on it. One of them was if she could memorize or know where the things go in the board and she did it but what actually she couldn´t do was one made by a less practice person that does not know how   to play. So genius made?


Some people think that many kids are born as a genius or other people think that these special kids have something superfluous in their brain. Other people think that the environment affects these kids and the environment shaped them and makes them who they are. Some people think they are not social what I think is that these kids just because they are genius it doesn´t mean they would not have friends. There was this case in which this kid played the piano since he was little he practices like 8 hours a day and he plays many high level songs he even plays it with his eyes closed without looking the piano. That’s awesome. In this video his mother talked about how his son since little loved to play the piano and it is impressive to see how he plays this variety of hard songs and he plays it as a professional.  

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


It´s incredible how people descriminate homosexuals people. It is difficult for homosexual to accept who they are but what it makes it difficult is that society dont accept them as what they are. I thought homosexuals were not bron like that, but what these video show me is that they are born like that or that it may be genetic. Theres this case in which a women had twins and one of them had his room full of soldiers and cars and men stuff but the other twin had pink stuff and had barbies and all girly stuff he even painted his nails. But what i really dmire of there mother is that she accept him as he is because if she tries to change him instead of changing him she would damage him. they are humans too theirs no need to bother them or to make fun of them. You don´t need to judge them because they are just like that and is hard for them to admit and knowing that people hate homosexual makes them feel more bad and would less admit they are like that.

Mind of a murdered

Its incredible to see how many violence, how many death and how many abused kids or even adults are in this world. But this video made me realized that every criminal have areason of why they make their action. Some of these criminal may have been abused, they may have brain injury or even mental illness. I have critize people about their actions but this video made me realized why the actions were made. According to the video every action has its own explanation. I used to critize or judge criminals but what i didn´t know was that all these criminal make what they make because they have a reason of making it. Some people may think that there´s no justification for their crimes but what they don´t know is that all these criminals according to the video they suffer from brain injury, mental illness or even they have been abused. As the story of the aproximately 40 years old guy named Terrance Rainright who killed his wife after listening her talking in the telephone. But what we don´t know until know is that Terrance had a car accident, he was abused by her mother and he suffered from depression. he was witness of watching his father abusing from his mother thats why she killed him. Their theory was approved that every criminal has their reason for their act. They are not bron like that they are made, in the enviroment they grow in made them what they are, but because of that we may not judge people or critize them or even making them feel bad because it may not be easy to live with a brain injury or even taking with you that bad memory that they abused you for the rest of your life. 

Brain Injury

According to the video, almost a quarter of a million people suffer and are hospitalized because of a brain injury. Wow, and we are those typicall guys who use to laugh of guys who act weird and what we do not realize is that they maybe passing through a brain injury. I learned that the traumatic brain injury happens when force is applied to the skull. Its good to know that this guy Brain who had an accident in a fight and suffers a barin injury goes on with his life and lives it as everyone of us he enjoys his kid his family and its good to know that he has the help of his family firnds and specialized doctors who help him go through this brain damage. He is a man full of joy and dreams and I know he would reach his dreams. As it mention if you received problems with a white smile on your face you would find solution and fixed them. In the video they mentioned three types of injuries: contusion, axonal injury and brain bleeding. So we can say that the brain is everything, changes your life in a drastical manner but we know that accepting yourself and accepting he way you are would be a great solution to a problem. So live everyday as it was your last day. Take advantage of what you have and enjoy your life. 

Mind Readers

Whats the matter with people in now world? What about our privacy thoughts or our private intentions? In this video I learned about the MRI in other words thought or mind reader. WHy scientist would like to read our mind, why would they actually want to know what we think and how we think it? The MRI is an ecxellent tchonlogy advance, but would they truly used it well, would they have that thoughts in secret, would our thoughts be private, because what they are actually doing is invading our privacy thats actually not fair. My questions are: would that experiment have goos intentions? what the reaction would be, positive, negative? Would our thoughts be in a secret, like sort of a box hidding our will it expand as a bomb? Well, thats what i thought, I personally think no one would like their thoughts would be known and his or her intention would be known. We are free to think. We dont need people to figure out what we think if we say what we think, and if we think it is because we want it to be like that thought that no one would know that thought. Why knowing outhers thoughts or intentions.,r:4,s:10&biw=1073&bih=436